Monday 2 February 2015

McDonalds toys

Well I guess this outs me as a no longer secret McDonald's fan, what can I do? I am obsessed with the McDonald's of my childhood, the design, the place, the colours, the burger stools in the kids area, I just thought it was fantastic!!!! So here are some toys McDonald's released with other toy companies such as Mattel. It's basically advertising you have to pay for, which turn your kids into little consumers with low job expectations; if Barbie works at McDonald's? notice how it's named Fun Times? Needless to say I did not have those toys as a kid but as an adult nobody can stop me collecting them!!!!!

This is a video by BluCollection ToyCollector
Want this so bad!!!!! It even has the wrappers and the happy meal box!!!!

And here is another by DC Toys Collectors

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